Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Benefit of Massage for People With Diabetes


As with any population, massage is a beneficial complementary therapy -- diabetics, however, can find the results especially helpful.

Circulation -- There is no getting around the fact that massage can increase circulation, thereby encouraging the efficient transport of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Improved circulation, in turn, improves the cells' insulin uptake.

Relaxation -- The benefits of relaxation should not be underestimated, especially within the diabetic community. Consider the physical and psychological stresses of living with a debilitating disease and the need to self-medicate and monitor on a daily basis, as well as the burden diabetes puts on the body and its systems. That said, it's easy to see the therapeutic correlation between massage and diabetes. With the release of endorphins, the nervous system calms, there is a reduction of stress hormones and the diabetic client can find a homeostasis with their blood sugar levels.

Myofascial Effects -- For the client with diabetes, there may be a thickening of their connective tissue caused by increased blood sugars. Massage will help to increase mobility and tissue elasticity that has been hindered by that thickening effect. Of course, a good exercise program -- with an efficient stretching regimen -- will also be of benefit.

Advice to Diabetics
Tell your therapist what you need, and do not be afraid to give them honest feedback about your experience. This is an opportunity for both therapist and client to learn from each other, enjoying the experience of giving and receiving massage. No matter what specific type of therapy is used, it is the communication and rapport between therapist and client that is most important.

If you have particular needs and concerns, share those with your therapist. Let them know what is most helpful to you. Know it is okay to stop and drink some juice during a massage if you need to, and let them know if a shorter session is more in order for you.

Definitely consult with your physician to see if this is for you. Ask what types of massage would be beneficial if approved.

#diabetes  #diabetesmassage

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