Monday, December 8, 2014

Massage and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal Affective Disorder is defined as winter depression. It is triggered by the onset of winter, and is thought to be due to the decrease in sunlight, which decreases vitamin D levels. Studies have shown that low vitamin D may be linked to depression [1].

If you are experiencing symptoms of SAD, consider therapeutic massage. Massage is, in essence, its own medicine. Massage greatly reduces the symptoms of depression. Massage decreases cortisol levels, and with decreased cortisol levels there is a decrease in stress. Massage allows the body to restore parasympathetic nervous system functioning. In this state the body is at rest. Massage increases the level of endorphins (the body’s natural anti-depressant). Massage strengthens the mind/body connection and increases our general sense of wellbeing, our immunity and vitality.
For added convenience, Wave Crest Massage Therapy will go to your home or place of business. During the month of December you will receive a 10% discount and free upgrade of Aromatherapy.
Contact us at 631-375-0962 to schedule your next appointment.
1 — A recent study of more than 12,500 people aged 20 to 90 showed that people with the lowest levels of vitamin D were more likely to report symptoms of depression, compared to those with higher levels. This relationship was strongest among people with a history of depression. 
#seasonalaffectivedisorder  #sad  #winterdepression

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